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Author Topic: 80s Musical Telephone Toy (scrolling images, played 'Talk To The Animals' song)  (Read 10519 times)

Offline Skyhorse82

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I had a scrolling-pictures, musical, dial-up/rotary telephone toy when I was a baby in the early 80s. It had a white plastic body, with an orange base and an orange telephone handset, with a thin blue plastic tube connecting it to the whole unit, like a telephone cord (not coiled). The unit had a lenticular, corrugated screen, next to the handset cradle, and when you wound the toy up music would start playing. The song was 'Talk to the animals', from the original Dr Do-Little film. An image would scroll across the screen from right to left, like the vintage Fisher Price TV Set. The images showed an animation of a blonde girl and brown haired boy (?) playing with animals at the zoo (tigers, lion, seal balancing a ball on his nose, etc). Because the screen was corrugated, the figures in the image sort of shifted or moved slightly into different poses as they scrolled along. Quite possibly, the music and image would stop if the telephone was returned to its cradle. It was very simple mechanical technology, no batteries, etc. It was not a Fisher Price toy, and I can't find any information suggesting it was a Playskool toy either. Thanks for reading :)
« Last Edit: Wednesday 19 March 2014, 12:06 am by Skyhorse82 »

Offline chelsmith18

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Just to help anyone out, this is the fisher price version:

"You think you know a story, but you only know how it ends. To get to the heart of a story, you have to go back to the beginning."

Offline chelsmith18

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"You think you know a story, but you only know how it ends. To get to the heart of a story, you have to go back to the beginning."

Offline wingsinmoonlight

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I had one like you describe but mine was sesame street. Sorry I don't know more.

Offline kiddy2468

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I found this hope it helps.

« Last Edit: Saturday 27 April 2013, 03:08 pm by Ghost Of The Doll »

Offline Skyhorse82

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Hey y'all, sorry about late reply - haven't been on in months. I can't see the last image, seems to have disappeared. As for the other images, they are unlike my phone, although we are on the right track. I don't remember mine being made by a notable brand. Also, mine looked very simple and was a flatish, modular design, not an upright video/phone system i.e. when playing with it you would sit and look down at it because the screen faced upwards, next to the phone cradle. Thanks for the suggestions!

Offline kiddy2468

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Re: 80s Musical Telephone Toy (scrolling images, played 'Talk To The Animals' song)
« Reply #6 on: Monday 26 September 2022, 04:53 am »
It has been a while but I found this and I hope it helps


Offline kiddy2468

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Okay I found this and it is a lot like your toy take a look.


