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Author Topic: MLP, LPS, Care Bears, Charmkins, Glo Friends and more!  (Read 7000 times)

Offline emery

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MLP, LPS, Care Bears, Charmkins, Glo Friends and more!
« on: Sunday 13 October 2013, 05:01 am »
I have listed a bunch of new items on my Facebook page. Here is a link to all of my albums. If you see anything you like feel free to message me through Facebook or send me a note here.


I still have items on my website as well but new items will be added to Facebook first and then moved to my site later.

"Like" my store on Facebook to see when


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Re: MLP, LPS, Care Bears, Charmkins, Glo Friends and more!
« Reply #1 on: Sunday 13 October 2013, 05:11 am »
Hi, I see that you have a section on your website of 80s toys and plushes! I am looking for a specific vintage plush made by Mattel in 1984/5 that was part of the "Angel Bunny" collection. It's a small, plush lion with wings known as the "Cuddle King" and looks like this: http://www.ghostofthedoll.co.uk/Toys/AngelBunny/Plush_Lion1a.jpg

I don't see it in your shop, but would you happen to have one that has not yet been posted? Or would you know where I could get one? The toy is a very, very special one that I would love to replace as a gift. Any information you have would be wonderful. I tried ebay and etsy to no avail...

Thanks so much. This is a really special toy so any information you have would be so, so helpful!


