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Author Topic: 1990s Hawaii Souvenir - Barbie Fashion  (Read 4486 times)

Offline zuse

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1990s Hawaii Souvenir - Barbie Fashion
« on: Friday 19 September 2014, 01:32 am »
My grandparents brought back two Barbie-sized hula girl outfits (no doll) when I was a little girl. They had a tie-on grass skirt and a red plastic lei. One set had a blue fabric tie-on bikini top, while the other had a red fabric one. I can't remember if the fabric had a pattern.

The leis looked like the red plastic one worn by this vintage doll made by Lanakila.

I've looked at their "Hawaiian Maiden" dolls on eBay from the mid 90s but none of them are wearing the correct outfits and we were not given a doll set, just the fashions.

Let me know if you know what I'm talking about. :)
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Offline zuse

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Re: 1990s Hawaii Souvenir - Barbie Fashion
« Reply #1 on: Friday 19 September 2014, 01:37 am »
And then I find this set on Etsy. It says it is made by Lanakila Crafts. And there is a Hula set and a MuuMuu set available. But was it sold in the 90s? I know that my grass skirts tied on with the green ribbon/fabric that the artificial grass was sewn to.

I guess the pattern I'm thinking of was flowers and words like "Aloha" on the fabric?

They also made a fashion with a different lei, a dress, and a flower?
« Last Edit: Friday 19 September 2014, 01:41 am by zuse »
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