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Author Topic: Unknown Scented Peach Plant Jointed Baby Doll set- no pics  (Read 5315 times)

Offline inabluebox

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Unknown Scented Peach Plant Jointed Baby Doll set- no pics
« on: Friday 07 August 2015, 02:14 pm »
Hi everyone, I'm a bit new here. I have a childhood toy set I loved dearly, but for some reason it doesn't exist on the Internet! Here are the details.

The set is a potted plant, estimated to be 8- to 12 inches high. Mine was a Peach plant, with a great big peach at the top of the set. It is scented like peaches. I believe the pot part of the set had glittery paint, but I could be wrong. There were green leaves as part of the plant that stuck out and may have formed things like slides or chairs. There may or may not have been flowers in this, too.

The set opened up and revealed three baby dolls with large eyes, about one inch high. Each had a different colored diaper (pink, yellow and blue were mine). They had jointed legs but were otherwise immobile and also smelled like peaches. The play set had a triple high chair built into one of its walls, that would fold down or up out of the way. Some of the furniture inside could have been made from the "leaves" of the plant.

I also remember a possible small toy watering can coming with this set, being a fake potted plant and all. There was also, I think, an animal figure that came with it, for holding the babies. Was it a mouse?

I got this when I was five, so I'm estimating the release date to be between 1996-2000. My friend also had the same brand of set, except hers was chocolate-scented. I don't remember any other details about her set.

Please let me know if you remember anything about this weird set!

Offline Ghost Of The Doll

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Re: Unknown Scented Peach Plant Jointed Baby Doll set- no pics
« Reply #1 on: Monday 10 August 2015, 07:14 pm »
Hi! It sounds like a Dream Garden set called "Peaches and Cream". I've not added these toys in yet, but started compiling images and info last week so it shouldn't be too long.

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Offline inabluebox

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Re: Unknown Scented Peach Plant Jointed Baby Doll set- no pics
« Reply #2 on: Saturday 22 August 2015, 07:01 pm »
That is absolutely it! I hadn't seen it in so long I missed many of the details. Thank you so much for finding it for me :)

