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Author Topic: Pink Hair Doll - SSC size  (Read 5435 times)

Offline Medoria

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Pink Hair Doll - SSC size
« on: Friday 11 September 2015, 03:47 am »
Need help id'ing this SSC fakie
(seen standing naked in front of some real SSC dolls)

She has long bright pink hair (sorry the colors with my camera are washed out but think super bright 80's pink), no idea what the original style was when I got her it was a ratted nest and she has since gotten the downy dip.

She has no holes in her feet, her hands are flat.
It looks like there might be some branding on her back at the shoulder blades but cannot make it out and it doesn't show up in photographs at all. She came naked so no idea what sort of clothes she started with.

I just find her totally adorable and would like to obtain more but don't know what name to search for.  Anyone have any idea?

Offline ForeverKokiri

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Re: Pink Hair Doll - SSC size
« Reply #1 on: Wednesday 23 September 2015, 01:44 am »
The only dolls like that I've seen with a tongue sticking out are the Strawberry Shortcake Clones from Fun World.

Might she be from Fun World?

Offline Medoria

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Re: Pink Hair Doll - SSC size
« Reply #2 on: Saturday 26 September 2015, 04:47 am »
Yeah I have some of those dolls but she doesn't seem to be the same. they clearly have hong kong written on them and their eyes look very different... I can't seem to find any that look like this and none with pink hair...

I recently acquired a few more that seem like lanard / fun world dolls but can't find much information about them either:

however they seem to have the more typical fun world eyes..

