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Author Topic: Blue washing machine with yellow clothes 1980's  (Read 8071 times)

Offline AquilaLorelei

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Blue washing machine with yellow clothes 1980's
« on: Wednesday 17 May 2017, 06:46 am »
This is going to sound like a strange way to describe this toy but it was a blue plastic washing machine that literally had yellow rectangular clothing "chits" that would be inserted.  The one that stuck out most vividly to teeny!me was the track suit because I was all "WTF?"  There was a sweater and a men's jacket I believe and a pair of socks and shorts and a dress, there was a BUNCH of clothing.  I believe all the pieces had faces as well, to add that extra little touch of surreality.  I had it for many years but got it when I was perhaps four to six, which would have been about 1988-1990.  It was probably from a slightly earlier era than that, though judging from the clothing in it (looked late-70's, thinking back).  Any help with identifying this funky little guy is appreciated, since visiting this site is stirring the memory pot a bit lately...

Offline AquilaLorelei

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Re: Blue washing machine with yellow clothes 1980's
« Reply #1 on: Monday 16 August 2021, 12:17 am »
On second thought, the machine itself was likely white plastic, but the principle stands.  Also, the garments all had their own expressions like those old "alphabet" learning letters from kindergarten lol!

Offline kiddy2468

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Re: Blue washing machine with yellow clothes 1980's
« Reply #2 on: Tuesday 28 September 2021, 05:28 am »
What do you remember about the washing machine? Did you put the clothes in from the top or from the front? We’re the clothes plastic or cardboard?