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Author Topic: Sad "Orphan Doll NOT Lil'l Miss No-Name 1980's  (Read 8198 times)

Offline AquilaLorelei

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Sad "Orphan Doll NOT Lil'l Miss No-Name 1980's
« on: Wednesday 17 May 2017, 10:44 am »
Looking for a "sad"-type doll from the mid-1980's to early-1990's when I was a young'n and into dolls.  I believe there were a number of these produced in different eye and hair colors and skin tones, which is why I say it is NOT "Little Miss No-Name" even though it is a similar "orphan"-type theme intended to elicit sympathy.  Tearful face, ragged clothing, possibly also a vaguely religious or martyr-like (refugee?) backstory.  This is baffling me now and any help is appreciated!  I believe I had a blonde one with a blue dress and a dark-haired one, both white girls but there may have been a black girl and a boy as well in the line.

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Re: Sad "Orphan Doll NOT Lil'l Miss No-Name 1980's
« Reply #1 on: Saturday 20 May 2017, 05:12 pm »
This is probably not correct, but it may joggle someone's memory. When I was involved in the big eye doll community, they had these dolls called Susie Sad Eyes and it had many different clones through the years (different hair color, skin color, clothing).

Tinkerbell's Toybox: A Tinkerbell Cosmetic Blog

Offline AquilaLorelei

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Re: Sad "Orphan Doll NOT Lil'l Miss No-Name 1980's
« Reply #2 on: Monday 16 August 2021, 12:15 am »
That seems to be VERY similar to what I remember!  Thanks for the memory jog!

