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Author Topic: 90s mlp-style fakies, brushable vintage dinosaur toys with hair  (Read 15483 times)

Offline Glitter Yolk

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90s mlp-style fakies, brushable vintage dinosaur toys with hair
« on: Sunday 02 July 2017, 01:09 pm »
First toy line:

Found in Ohio, United States

She's got brushable rooted hair, purple on the underside and light yellow on the top. Her toes are pearlized as well as her yellow tail spines. She's hollow on the inside and made of hard plastic. Head is turnable, no trace of glue or a seal was present on the neck when I picked her up at a flea market.

On her belly it reads (C) 99 TT, CHINA. The TT may end up being 77, but I think that's unlikely.

Smaller baby dino:

Found in Austria

I've looked for "TT" companies and found just a handful for the 1990's:

Toys Things (Toys N' Things later)

Tiger Toys

Tyco Toys did make Little Miss Dinosaur (which is similar but the toys have lipstick and painted nails), but the company got bought up by Mattel around 1997 I think.

Darlin' Dinos were another toyline bearing similarities, but they were made by Meritus Industries Inc. which has M.I.I. engraved on their toys.

I also found a 1980's line of dinos by Totsy Toys (Designo Dinos), but unfortunately these are usually flocked.

Anyone recognize these or the company stamp?

The other toy line:

Found in the UK
Image Source

Found in Denmark
First Image Source

Found in Béziers, France
Image Source

Found in Denmark
Also found in France

Found in Moselle, France
Also found in Belgium and Denmark

Found in Berlin, Germany
Also found in Denmark

Also potentially linked plushies to this toy line? (top left purple dino and bottom right pink dino):

I have been told these are made by Uranium Switzerland

Found in Germany
Image Source

The theme of brushable dinosaur toys marketed towards girls is clear.

All I know is that these are from the 90s as well, and have Made in China on their bellies.

I came across an article (here) from 1993 discussing how toy companies in the 90s were trying to mix and match their marketing, where they would reinvent toys originally intended for boys to appeal to girls, and vice versa. Dinos were big in the 90s due to Jurassic Park, and toy companies were jumping on the popularity.

I have a feeling these are either a product of that mindset, or perhaps just bootlegs of Hasbro's own My Little Pony dinosaur toy, Cutesaurus:

Regardless, any help, information or dinos similar to these would be appreciated. Thanks!
« Last Edit: Saturday 06 August 2022, 11:47 pm by Glitter Yolk »

Offline zuse

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Re: Brushable, Quadrupedal White Dinosaur
« Reply #1 on: Tuesday 11 July 2017, 12:50 am »
I have never seen that before. Hmm. I feel like the big companies like Tonka and Tiger stamp a more distinctive logo. And she has that "generic" look in the face (the eyes look fakie style). Something by Totsy or Toys N Things is most likely. Have you always had her or did you aquire her later?
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Offline Glitter Yolk

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Re: 90s mlp-style fakies, brushable vintage dinosaur toys with hair
« Reply #2 on: Thursday 13 July 2017, 08:12 pm »
I literally just picked her up a couple of weeks ago from a flea market with dirt all over, ha ha.

Her eyes are pretty generic, and a lot of fakes seem to have blue eyes for some reason? Her 'eye shines' (the white dots) aren't in the exact same position, though they look to be the same size. One is almost directly over top her pupil, the other is slightly tilted to the right:

I find it odd that a fake would be pearlized, but it's definitely not impossible! Wonder if she was just the product of another company that decided to throw out a few quick brushables while the market for them was hot. Either way, I love her hair and sculpt, she's a better quality fake than I usually see!

She's actually a bit smaller in stature compared to a true G1 my little pony.
« Last Edit: Thursday 03 January 2019, 04:16 pm by Glitter Yolk »

Offline Glitter Yolk

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Re: 90s mlp-style fakies, brushable vintage dinosaur toys with hair
« Reply #3 on: Tuesday 26 June 2018, 12:45 am »
Plopping these two down since they're also 90s mlp-style dinos.

Unlike the first one I posted, they are definitely from the same line. Made in China is on their stomachs.

Pics aren't mine.

Image Source
By Miss_Leonie on Flickr

Image Source
By The_Loner on Mlp Arena
« Last Edit: Sunday 20 January 2019, 04:27 pm by Glitter Yolk »

Offline Glitter Yolk

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Re: 90s mlp-style fakies, brushable vintage dinosaur toys with hair
« Reply #4 on: Saturday 19 January 2019, 05:57 pm »

Offline Glitter Yolk

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Re: 90s mlp-style fakies, brushable vintage dinosaur toys with hair
« Reply #5 on: Wednesday 13 November 2019, 08:06 pm »

Offline Glitter Yolk

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Re: 90s mlp-style fakies, brushable vintage dinosaur toys with hair
« Reply #6 on: Monday 26 October 2020, 10:41 pm »
Some updates, and I added these plushies!:

Found in Germany
Image Source

For some bizarre reason, a few of my posts for this thread, including the first post, suddenly became entirely blank! You can see a few posts above that once held content and are now blank without any editing time stamps. It's really weird, and I was super shocked to come back to this thread and find all of my hard work had vanished into thin air.  ??? Luckily, I managed to find a saved copy of the text and coding I had and re-edited it all into the first post again. Not sure what caused the disappearances, but it didn't affect my second thread at all, I'm really not sure what happened.  :-[
« Last Edit: Saturday 06 August 2022, 11:49 pm by Glitter Yolk »

Offline Glitter Yolk

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Re: 90s mlp-style fakies, brushable vintage dinosaur toys with hair
« Reply #7 on: Saturday 06 August 2022, 11:52 pm »
I got a message on June 11th from user minamarie saying they purchased the above plushies and they’re apparently made by Uranium Switzerland.

I’ve asked if they could provide any further pictures, but since I saw this message 2 months late, it might be a while before they log back on and see mine!

