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Author Topic: Cutie Princess - produced by Chap Mei  (Read 11390 times)

Offline Wardah

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Cutie Princess - produced by Chap Mei
« on: Saturday 08 May 2010, 08:31 pm »
There was a line of unusual light up dolls that used molds from the Kenner LPS line for their pets.
Unfortunately I missed the one that was on Ebay. Other than the thread I linked info on them is scarce but I am hoping maybe someone here can help me get more info.
« Last Edit: Sunday 09 May 2010, 06:38 pm by Ghost Of The Doll »

Offline zap18

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Re: Cutie Princess by Chap Mei
« Reply #1 on: Sunday 09 May 2010, 01:23 am »
Me and my sister are the ones that found those and sold them.  What more is it you are wanting to find out?

Offline DarkAnjel77

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Re: Cutie Princess by Chap Mei
« Reply #2 on: Sunday 09 May 2010, 02:30 am »
OMG!! those sooo cute.
I would definately buy those. 
I hope you find them Wardah. :)

Offline Wardah

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Re: Cutie Princess - produced by Chap Mei
« Reply #3 on: Sunday 09 May 2010, 08:00 pm »
I mostly would like to see more pictures of the other sets and maybe an idea of exactly when they came out since I don't remember seeing them in stores. Maybe if there were enough pictures there could be a page for them.

Offline zap18

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Re: Cutie Princess - produced by Chap Mei
« Reply #4 on: Monday 10 May 2010, 05:07 am »
Alrighty :)  Story time!  (Pics I will provide later- I have plenty... somewhere)

Probably six years ago, my sister was in a dime store.  She bought a cute little set with a prince and a princess and a carriage, and most importantly, some pretty rings.  Also, the set looked interesting, but she just couldn't figure out why.  Later on, when examining the back of the box, she discovered pictures of little jewel pets... in the LPS/baby buddies mold! Needless to say, very exciting.  But the set was the only one like it in the store.  We kept the back of the box, and looked at it with longing every now and then, but never knew if the pets were actually produced.  

Random note:  the carriage, as it turns out, was LPS mold, but me and my sister are not what you would call "accessory" people, so this was not noticed for a long time.  We wanted us some pets, not some stinkin' carriage :P

So, now we flash forward to last year, when me and sister again are shopping :P  I am driving and I need a place to turn around, so we go into a dingy little center where there is a dollar general and a shoddy looking big lots and a discount store with a spanish name.  We go into the dollar general and the big lots, and I remember they were busts, and I actually forget we intended to go into the discount store and check it out but sister reminds me.  I am glad she did :)

We wander to the toy aisle (of course) and I honestly don't remember who saw the packs first, her or me.  It was a moment of beautiful synergy.  Followed by mad grabbing.  We buy up the whole lot and are obviously just mad with excitement.  We had so much luck!  To finally find these at last!  So much luck that we sucked luck out of other parts of our lives!   The car broke :P  We could get back to the apartment where we lived at the time, but still, after that the car was untrustworthy.

In the weeks that followed we hit all of that chain of stores we could find and bought up all the sets there were, in both cities that are close to us.  We kept a full set for ourselves (which takes quite a few packs to get all the color variants), and divied up the rest of what we were able to find.  The last extra pack we had was the one you missed on ebay.  The packs haven't rematerialized.

Since it was several years between the two sightings, I think it's entirely random if they will show up again.

We have since gifted the carriage to someone who will love it much more than we ever did, and are hugely thrilled to have our pets at last.

Ahhh... the toy drama :P

Offline ChibiBug

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Re: Cutie Princess - produced by Chap Mei
« Reply #5 on: Saturday 08 January 2011, 03:59 am »
Zap, you must post pics! :D
I'm a new member here who loves Jesus and collects My Little Pony!

