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Author Topic: Rare and Valuable Cabbage Patch Dolls  (Read 41725 times)

Offline EdenEye

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Rare and Valuable Cabbage Patch Dolls
« on: Tuesday 18 May 2010, 06:10 am »
I know most cabbage patch dolls aren't very vaulable now-a-days but I heard there are some that are. Does anyone know what to look for in Cabbage Patch dolls to see if there are rare and valuable? I heard something about rare head molds and that red head dolls are worth more. I find these dolls at thift stores often but usually don't pick them up because I don't know if its worth it.

Any info?

Offline pikapal

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Re: Rare and Valuable Cabbage Patch Dolls
« Reply #1 on: Tuesday 18 May 2010, 07:00 am »
I'm not a CPK collector or anything, but the snacktime kids are rare. Those were the "hair eating" dolls. I think the ones without plastic heads are rare.


Offline zuse

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Re: Rare and Valuable Cabbage Patch Dolls
« Reply #2 on: Tuesday 18 May 2010, 07:07 am »
I passed up a snacktime one the other day, haha. Just too creepy for me! ;)

I know that generally if it has a plastic head and has Coleco then it's a mass produced one. Not one of the early one-of-a-kind ones from the Babyland Hospital.
« Last Edit: Tuesday 18 May 2010, 07:10 am by zuse »
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Offline LeahLPS

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Re: Rare and Valuable Cabbage Patch Dolls
« Reply #3 on: Tuesday 18 May 2010, 08:18 am »
The difficult thing about the Snacktime Kids is that they're somewhat hard to find a buyer for since you can't sell them on eBay with them being a recalled item.  And also, they need their backpack in order to work, and many times they're missing it.

I don't know enough about head molds to help you out much there, but there are different countries/factories of origin for CPKs (noted on their tush tag), and some of those are more sought after.  You want to look for CPKs that are made in Spain (Jesmar), South Africa (Triang Pedigree), Japan (Tsukuda), and Mexico (Lili Ledy).  So definitely check their tush tags to see where they were made; I think the dolls may also be marked with the info on the back of their head (or at least my Jesmar is stamped that it's "manufactured by Jesmar, Made in Spain" on the back of her head, but I can't speak for the others since I've never owned any of them).

Hmm, I can't really come up with anything further as far as hard-to-find goes, except the previously mentioned "Little People" soft sculpture CPKs.  I recall that the slightly smaller 'bean bottom' CPKs, in nice condition (since they're prone to 'pox' on their head), used to have a bit of a following, but I'm not sure if that's the case anymore.  Also, of the newer CPKs, some of the Toys 'R Us (TRU) brand ones are desirable and have a little bit of value since they don't make them anymore, plus they were somewhat limited to begin with.  TRU Cabbage Patch Kids are a little bigger than the other brand of modern CPKs (Playalong), and they have a slightly different look to them.  Their tush tag, as well as the back of their head, will note that they are a TRU Edition.

Offline EdenEye

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Re: Rare and Valuable Cabbage Patch Dolls
« Reply #4 on: Tuesday 18 May 2010, 08:54 am »
Thanks for all the info Leah! I checked the red headed doll I bought recently and it says nothing about a country on the back of the neck, only manufactured by coleco 1982.  So she probably wasn't made anywhere interesting. :( Oh well, she is cute. I only bought her because I read somewhere that the red head dolls are rarer. But now I find out that its the red fuzzy hair dolls that are valuable. LOL. Gets confusing!


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Re: Rare and Valuable Cabbage Patch Dolls
« Reply #5 on: Tuesday 18 May 2010, 10:35 am »
People do sell the snacktime dolls on ebay :\
While I was trying to find my childhood CPK I saw quite a few, including the vintage version.

EDIT: here- http://cgi.ebay.com/RETIRED-NEW-BOX-CABBAGE-PATCH-KID-DOLL-1995-RARE-/170487539735?cmd=ViewItem&pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item27b1d96817
« Last Edit: Tuesday 18 May 2010, 11:39 am by vanillascoop »

Offline EricaVee

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Re: Rare and Valuable Cabbage Patch Dolls
« Reply #6 on: Tuesday 18 May 2010, 09:11 pm »
Omg HORRIFYING. I love how the box says "FEED ME!" right near its mouth, I can just picture its eyes turning red. ;D
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Offline apanda0622

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Re: Rare and Valuable Cabbage Patch Dolls
« Reply #7 on: Wednesday 19 May 2010, 12:13 am »
The most valuable are the vintage cloth faced ones from Babyland in Cleveland, GA.  The most valuable sold in stores are the ones from the orginal maker Coleco (the company has switched many times since then).

Offline invaderhorizongreen

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Re: Rare and Valuable Cabbage Patch Dolls
« Reply #8 on: Thursday 20 May 2010, 03:17 am »
well that kinda stinks about the recall on them but i suppose if more of them are turned in the ones not returned will go up in value!

Offline rbperreten

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Re: Rare and Valuable Cabbage Patch Dolls
« Reply #9 on: Saturday 07 April 2012, 12:58 am »
Hi I have two, virtually brand new, in the box Cabbage Patch Snacktime Kids, one is a little blond haired boy, and the other is a red headed girl. If I can't list these on Ebay for auction/sale, where can I list them? Anyone have any ideas please?  I bought these new in '96 for the kids, but put them up in the closet and totally forgot about them, until now? any advice on where to list them, or dispose of them is greatly appreciated. ( I was told they can't be listed on line at places like Ebay, because they were a recall item, years ago )?

Offline hime

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Re: Rare and Valuable Cabbage Patch Dolls
« Reply #10 on: Monday 09 April 2012, 10:11 pm »
They are not THAt rare I pinked one up from a lady(complete) for 8$ and another for 10 from her too(that even had the papers)

As for where you can list them both the board here and open cabbage are good places.

