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Author Topic: [5 0f 6 ID-ed] Various mini toys from the 80's and 90's  (Read 24993 times)

Offline Ianua

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[5 0f 6 ID-ed] Various mini toys from the 80's and 90's
« on: Tuesday 13 July 2010, 09:25 pm »
Ok you clever lot you've had too little to do lately lol  ;)
Luckily for you I came across a few old toys in a box I came across at my mums so heres plenty.. should keep Zuse and Em busy for ...oh about five minutes xxxx  :D ;D :)

The first are these odd little oodle knock offs I know I had about 6 of each in black and white but these were all that were in there when I got the box back.

ID: Magic Nursery Babies fakies, same mould but cheap repaints

The second is this weird purple little baby.

ID: Li'l Babies rare colour variant (Europe)

It might actually be a lil baby did they make some in strange colours?

The third are more little baby figures but they are not lil babies (though they do look similar) because I collected them and these are too small I've included a real lil baby lying down to help people get an idea of their size.

The fourth are these weeny (and I do mean weany) baby faeries again photographed next to the real lil baby so you can tell how tiny they are. I'd love to I.D these so I could get some more, any clues guys?!?!

ID: Star Castle accessories, produced by Trendmasters in 1994.

Moving on from babies for a bit the 5th item is a cute snail isn't he sweet but I have no idea what he's from any clues guys

ID: Onken Yogurts free toy

Next and finally a little doll in a sitting position.

ID: Onken Yogurts free toy

Well come on peoples I have faith in you  ;)
I'll do a second album for the rest I know it gets confusing if too many in one thread xxx


« Last Edit: Thursday 28 October 2010, 11:12 pm by Ghost Of The Doll »

Offline Littlemismakeup

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The snail is a freebie from Onken Frufoo yogurt. I'll try and find a link.

Offline mouse

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I posted about those funny little coloured fairies a while back when I saw them on Ebay - no one knew who they were then and I still don't know. They're cute though :)

I've seen the rainbow coloured li'l babies on ebay.co.uk and european ebays - I'm not sure if they are li'l babies or not. Does you li'l baby have any markings that match with the purple one?

Offline Ianua

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Yeah but they were ALL cast from the stolen oodle moulds and the oddles have them too so we can't really use those indications  :(

Offline Ianua

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That would be really cool lil miss I assume there were other freebies xx Were they cute too x

Offline princess_lucy

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Re: Various mini toys from the 80's and 90's ... Smarty pants needed to help I.D
« Reply #5 on: Wednesday 14 July 2010, 10:34 am »
I had the yoghurt snail! The pot was shaped like a frisbee and the toy was in the middle. I'm sure I got some of these little green turtle/frog type toys from those yoghurts, they were glossy and almost ceramic feeling rather than plastic.

Offline Lauralovelylocks

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I have that exact purple baby, but in the peachy colour like some of your other ones, on my Flickr page!


So are they fake Lil Babies or real ones.... or not sure????? LOL!

Offline Ianua

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The one you have is a real lil baby xx

Offline Ianua

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Re: Various mini toys from the 80's and 90's ... Smarty pants needed to help I.D
« Reply #8 on: Wednesday 14 July 2010, 04:29 pm »
I had the yoghurt snail! The pot was shaped like a frisbee and the toy was in the middle. I'm sure I got some of these little green turtle/frog type toys from those yoghurts, they were glossy and almost ceramic feeling rather than plastic.

That croc looks a lot like the little red dragon on my other thread I know what you mean about the glossy plastic the dragons the same.

Offline Littlemismakeup

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I don't know why but I'm really tempted to say Kinder Egg rather than Onken yoghurt for the dragon and croc.
Still no luck with a link for you, Ianuna :(

Offline Ianua

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They were definitly not kinder but they were very similar to the kinder range of teeny terrapins and crazy crocs but smaller that sort of plastic though. They were from before kinder started including models. I'll try and find some more photos of the other models

Offline Tribble79

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Oh my!!! I want that snail!!!!!!!!!!!!

Offline Ianua

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pm me your address you can have him :)

Offline poniesofdooom

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the little fairies are star castles accessories... trying to find you a link...

Offline poniesofdooom

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ok I'm failing on finding you any proper links, so I guess you'll have to take my word lol, but they are definately star castle pieces. I even still have a castle with the purple fairy included.

