Ok you clever lot you've had too little to do lately lol
Luckily for you I came across a few old toys in a box I came across at my mums so heres plenty.. should keep Zuse and Em busy for ...oh about five minutes xxxx

The first are these odd little oodle knock offs I know I had about 6 of each in black and white but these were all that were in there when I got the box back.
ID: Magic Nursery Babies fakies, same mould but cheap repaints
The second is this weird purple little baby.
ID: Li'l Babies rare colour variant (Europe)
It might actually be a lil baby did they make some in strange colours?
The third are more little baby figures but they are not lil babies (though they do look similar) because I collected them and these are too small I've included a real lil baby lying down to help people get an idea of their size.

The fourth are these weeny (and I do mean weany) baby faeries again photographed next to the real lil baby so you can tell how tiny they are. I'd love to I.D these so I could get some more, any clues guys?!?!
ID: Star Castle accessories, produced by Trendmasters in 1994.
Moving on from babies for a bit the 5th item is a cute snail isn't he sweet but I have no idea what he's from any clues guys
ID: Onken Yogurts free toy
Next and finally a little doll in a sitting position.
ID: Onken Yogurts free toy
Well come on peoples I have faith in you

I'll do a second album for the rest I know it gets confusing if too many in one thread xxx