The more I look at the green haired fakie, the more I realize it is just another SSC fakie- I was thrown off when I originally looked at it by the eye shape and the star on the cheek, which is similar to our Remco girl's features, but she doesn't have a raised nose and her body is similar, but not quite the same. So, green haired girl is just another SSC mold fakie, which there are a million of, so I'm not too too worried about figuring out who she is right now. I don't think she is the one that came with the Totsy's, but who knows, maybe she did in a later release. A Hawaiian Totsy pony

That would be awesome.
I do think that the Remco you pointed out from ebay is the same mold as our makeup Remco girl, but more designed to be a knock off of SSC, judging by her features. It seems likely to me that later, Remco decided to use their knock off mold again and spin it into an actual little toy line (or a line of fakies of a different toy line, like the Make Me Up Darlings), and our make up Remco doll was born.
I am pretty confident that Remco lines come after the Hasbro/Mattel/Other big toy company lines when they are similar, and are more in the category of fakies trying to grab some of the business from the popular toy lines. As you said, they make fakie SSC, Pony, and they also make He Man, GI Joe, and others that I am too lazy to think of right now, lol... but it is too many to be coincidental, and hard to believe that they come first, since they didn't have the actual rights to any characters. My opinion, take it or leave it

And back to the lovely make up Remco doll- I have now noticed that her body is actually stamped 1989 instead of the 1982 on her head, so that places her about right chronologically!