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Author Topic: [ID: Magic Makeup Girl - Remco (1989)] Unknown Small Doll [Remco Brand]  (Read 25100 times)

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Update: Here's what her face looked like

My particular doll was brunette. She had a symbol that appeared on her face when you used the sponge wand.

She was about the size of a vintage SSC doll.

And another doll from the line on eBay:


Original Post:

The actual doll broke years ago so I threw her out. However, I still have the outfit she came with. She was basically the same concept as the "Make Me Up Darlings." However, I can't see her in any of the pictures. She was probably about 6 inches tall with white skin and brown hair. A sponge wand made little symbols (or maybe makeup) appear on her face. Does this look familiar to anyone? I would say she was from the late 80s or VERY early 90s.

« Last Edit: Thursday 22 December 2011, 01:15 pm by Ghost Of The Doll »
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Re: [ID: Magic Makeup Girl - Remco (1989)] Unknown Small Doll [Remco Brand]
« Reply #1 on: Wednesday 10 March 2010, 05:47 am »
That's interesting- I had something very similar.  I also remember putting make up on it, and the pictures of those Make Me Up Darlings drive me crazy because they are so familiar, but so not *it*.  The mouth is wrong, or something.

I think I still have that exact shirt, but I didn't remember it went to this doll- I have been assuming it went to a tiny Dolly Surprise or a Creata/Kid Core doll.

Veeeery interesting.  If you figure out the answer, be sure and share the info!

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Re: [ID: Magic Makeup Girl - Remco (1989)] Unknown Small Doll [Remco Brand]
« Reply #2 on: Sunday 14 March 2010, 11:29 pm »
Yeah, it's going to drive me nuts. The relative that bought it for me usually shopped at KB Toys, and tended to buy name brand toys.

Some of my other childhood toys (that my mom bought) have tended to be hard to identify because if it wasn't Barbie it was some sort of knock-off toy from Wal-Mart or Toys R Us. :-P
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Re: [ID: Magic Makeup Girl - Remco (1989)] Unknown Small Doll [Remco Brand]
« Reply #3 on: Monday 22 March 2010, 01:48 am »
Ok, so I am staring at what I was thinking of as a SSC fakie that I picked up recently, and she's close enough to what I remember that I'm going to run her by you and see what you think:

She is stamped Remco 1982.


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Re: [ID: Magic Makeup Girl - Remco (1989)] Unknown Small Doll [Remco Brand]
« Reply #4 on: Monday 22 March 2010, 03:40 am »
Dude, if she had brown hair I think that would be her. Any sort of painted symbol on her face? ("disappearing" but maybe not if she's that old). The mouth definitely seems to be painted right, and the general face shape is very familiar! :) And the super straight arms!

Also looks like her feet would fit the shoes. Now, I'm not sure about the 1982 because she was bought in the late 80s/early 90s... but it could be just the mold (I know all my Barbie's have an older date on their neck, when they were from the 80s).

EDIT: Maybe it is the right doll. This is a Remco doll from eBay that was 1982 as well. It obviously looks more early 80s in the face (Sea Wees-style face paint). While my doll looked more like a knock-off of the Make-Me-Up dolls.

« Last Edit: Monday 22 March 2010, 03:44 am by zuse »
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Re: [ID: Magic Makeup Girl - Remco (1989)] Unknown Small Doll [Remco Brand]
« Reply #5 on: Monday 22 March 2010, 04:17 am »
Yeah, I was wondering that about the stamp too!  I actually have a fakie of this doll, and the stamp got removed by the time she was rolled out.  I consider her more a fakie of this doll than a SSC because of her features.  Here she is, if you are curious:

Regarding the blonde, she does have some heart spots on her cheek that seem to be designed to appear and disappear.

Ooh, I'm excited now!  I wanted another opinion, and I'm glad she's familiar to you too!  Now if only we actually knew who she is, lol.
« Last Edit: Monday 22 March 2010, 04:19 am by zap18 »

Offline zuse

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Re: [ID: Magic Makeup Girl - Remco (1989)] Unknown Small Doll [Remco Brand]
« Reply #6 on: Monday 22 March 2010, 05:45 am »
Remco one is definitely the doll. Everything about it is right (although I'm surprised I was given the brunette and not the blonde. I'm blonde). I can't remember what her sponge wand applicator thingy looked like, though. But I'm about 85% sure that's her pink comb.

Now, who copied who? I'd say that probably Remco copied Hasbro? (Since I've always assumed MLP came before Remco ponies, although I could be wrong?)

As for the Fakie... are we sure it wasn't one of those that came with a MLP fakie with a matching symbol?

Example: Totsy brand (Fantasy Fun) ponies did.
(Scroll down to see pictures).

That's just a thought... I mainly suspect it due to the oddly colored hair... it's something a pony might have matching...
« Last Edit: Monday 22 March 2010, 05:55 am by zuse »
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Re: [ID: Magic Makeup Girl - Remco (1989)] Unknown Small Doll [Remco Brand]
« Reply #7 on: Tuesday 23 March 2010, 05:25 pm »
The more I look at the green haired fakie, the more I realize it is just another SSC fakie- I was thrown off when I originally looked at it by the eye shape and the star on the cheek, which is similar to our Remco girl's features, but she doesn't have a raised nose and her body is similar, but not quite the same.  So, green haired girl is just another SSC mold fakie, which there are a million of, so I'm not too too worried about figuring out who she is right now.  I don't think she is the one that came with the Totsy's, but who knows, maybe she did in a later release.  A Hawaiian Totsy pony :P  That would be awesome.

I do think that the Remco you pointed out from ebay is the same mold as our makeup Remco girl, but more designed to be a knock off of SSC, judging by her features.  It seems likely to me that later, Remco decided to use their knock off mold again and spin it into an actual little toy line (or a line of fakies of a different toy line, like the Make Me Up Darlings), and our make up Remco doll was born.

I am pretty confident that Remco lines come after the Hasbro/Mattel/Other big toy company lines when they are similar, and are more in the category of fakies trying to grab some of the business from the popular toy lines.  As you said, they make fakie SSC, Pony, and they also make He Man, GI Joe, and others that I am too lazy to think of right now, lol... but it is too many to be coincidental, and hard to believe that they come first, since they didn't have the actual rights to any characters.  My opinion, take it or leave it :P

And back to the lovely make up Remco doll- I have now noticed that her body is actually stamped 1989 instead of the 1982 on her head, so that places her about right chronologically!

Offline pikapal

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Re: [ID: Magic Makeup Girl - Remco (1989)] Unknown Small Doll [Remco Brand]
« Reply #8 on: Wednesday 24 March 2010, 04:18 am »
The more I look at the green haired fakie, the more I realize it is just another SSC fakie- I was thrown off when I originally looked at it by the eye shape and the star on the cheek, which is similar to our Remco girl's features, but she doesn't have a raised nose and her body is similar, but not quite the same.  So, green haired girl is just another SSC mold fakie, which there are a million of, so I'm not too too worried about figuring out who she is right now.  I don't think she is the one that came with the Totsy's, but who knows, maybe she did in a later release.  A Hawaiian Totsy pony :P  That would be awesome.

I do think that the Remco you pointed out from ebay is the same mold as our makeup Remco girl, but more designed to be a knock off of SSC, judging by her features.  It seems likely to me that later, Remco decided to use their knock off mold again and spin it into an actual little toy line (or a line of fakies of a different toy line, like the Make Me Up Darlings), and our make up Remco doll was born.

I am pretty confident that Remco lines come after the Hasbro/Mattel/Other big toy company lines when they are similar, and are more in the category of fakies trying to grab some of the business from the popular toy lines.  As you said, they make fakie SSC, Pony, and they also make He Man, GI Joe, and others that I am too lazy to think of right now, lol... but it is too many to be coincidental, and hard to believe that they come first, since they didn't have the actual rights to any characters.  My opinion, take it or leave it :P

And back to the lovely make up Remco doll- I have now noticed that her body is actually stamped 1989 instead of the 1982 on her head, so that places her about right chronologically!

The Hawiian looking fakie I think is more in the style of the 1991 Strawberry Shortcake dolls. Those dolls had larger eyes than their 80s counter parts.

Offline zuse

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Re: [ID: Magic Makeup Girl - Remco (1989)] Unknown Small Doll [Remco Brand]
« Reply #9 on: Wednesday 24 March 2010, 04:20 am »
It is so awesome to see a picture of her "face" again. I just wish I knew what the packaging looked like! (I've never seen it in any of the old Christmas photos).
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Offline zap18

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Re: [ID: Magic Makeup Girl - Remco (1989)] Unknown Small Doll [Remco Brand]
« Reply #10 on: Thursday 25 March 2010, 03:02 am »
The Hawiian looking fakie I think is more in the style of the 1991 Strawberry Shortcake dolls. Those dolls had larger eyes than their 80s counter parts.

I should have noticed that right away!  Those are even the SSC dolls I had growing up (the 1991 ones).  You are completely right, the similarity is just staring me in the face now :P

I know what you mean Zuse- I have no memory at all of the packaging, unfortunately.  I'm just glad to have pieced it together this much considering!  Now if I could just locate my blue shirt...

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Re: [ID: Magic Makeup Girl - Remco (1989)] Unknown Small Doll [Remco Brand]
« Reply #11 on: Saturday 17 April 2010, 03:54 am »
I actually saved a pic from a lot awhile back that had the blonde version of the doll in it! I must have forgotten. :)

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Re: [ID: Magic Makeup Girl - Remco (1989)] Unknown Small Doll [Remco Brand]
« Reply #12 on: Saturday 01 May 2010, 03:38 pm »
So, I have lost my mind and identified like every doll on the planet. Except for the one I set out to identify!

Any more leads?
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Re: [ID: Magic Makeup Girl - Remco (1989)] Unknown Small Doll [Remco Brand]
« Reply #13 on: Tuesday 24 August 2010, 03:26 am »
I found more about my doll!!!

Here's one on eBay in fairly good condition (although it's blonde, not brunette, and is wearing a different but similar outfit). No box, though. It is also labeled 1982 but I imagine its also got the 1989 on it somewhere...

It has the disappearing mark on the face, and the same distinctive mouth and eye shape.


« Last Edit: Saturday 03 December 2011, 12:41 am by zuse »
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Re: [ID: Magic Makeup Girl - Remco (1989)] Unknown Small Doll [Remco Brand]
« Reply #14 on: Wednesday 25 August 2010, 03:13 am »
Aww, she's a cute one!  No box though... it's crazy how nobody knows what these are. 

