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Author Topic: Toys are awesome. What does everyone out there collect?  (Read 75504 times)

Offline rollerheelshiskates

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Re: Toys are awesome. What does everyone out there collect?
« Reply #30 on: Thursday 22 December 2011, 10:51 pm »
Hi Everyone! I'm new here...and I was very happy to stumble upon this site...I was surprised it took me so long to join up with fellow collectors:)

So, I collect

~Garbage Pail Kids-It consists mostly of non-card items(halloween costume,
     jewelry sets, balloons) I even have the elusive GPK tin trash can.

~Care Bears-I'm missing most of the cousins,but have all the bears        including Grams (1$ at the flea market!) And again mostly odd things like toothrbrushes,soaps,barettes,back packs/purses,the record player, large display shelf,and other odds and ends.

~Rainbow Brite-LOTS of stuff,the whole big tin kitchen set, most of the smaller plush figures(never could find Canary Yellow!),Lots of assorted sprites,and larger plush figures,small pvcs,a halloween costume, and my beloved hard plastic Sunriser in the box(which I opened ).

~Smurfs-LOTS of pvcs,again odd things inc. little kid rain boots,record player,puzzles,lunchbox,christmas ornaments,and whatever else I can find

~My Little Pony- Just the ponys,and babies,No play sets for lack of space

~JEM- would LOVE to expand this collection,I have lots of dolls and the backstager "amp" / dressing room.

~E.T- not a huge collection, but some neat fnds

Also, odd wall decor, old fisher price, view master,,metal lunchboxes, fraggle rock,high heels, rollerskates,cool vintage coats and clothes,and pretty much anything interesting I ind that looks like it should be mine already...I will post pictures as soon as I figure out how :P

Offline ecpblue

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Re: Toys are awesome. What does everyone out there collect?
« Reply #31 on: Thursday 22 December 2011, 11:31 pm »
welcome!!  ;-)
Please "like" my precious places facebook page!! 

Offline invaderhorizongreen

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Re: Toys are awesome. What does everyone out there collect?
« Reply #32 on: Sunday 25 December 2011, 03:20 am »
just wanted to say i am now 1/2 way done with the CPK ponies line.

Offline Rachel-Eyes

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Re: Toys are awesome. What does everyone out there collect?
« Reply #33 on: Thursday 29 December 2011, 03:50 am »
My most active collection at the moment is My Little Pony, but I also collect MLP fakes.

I have also collected octopuses, Beanie Babies, Raggedy Ann, and Spongebob. I'm considering resuming the first two.

Calling all teddy experts! Please help me find my Cuddle Bear!

Offline invaderhorizongreen

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Re: Toys are awesome. What does everyone out there collect?
« Reply #34 on: Thursday 29 December 2011, 11:48 pm »
so what kind of mlp fakes to you collect ?? there are a lot of them !

Offline luckdragon

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Re: Toys are awesome. What does everyone out there collect?
« Reply #35 on: Friday 06 January 2012, 06:41 am »
I don't collect toys.  I do collect Hallmark Keepsake ornaments and Precious Moments dolls.

I'm also getting ready to start restoring the 2 My Child dolls I had when I was little.  I'm sorely tempted to start collecting them.  But they're so expensive!

If I were to start collecting toys from my childhood, I would go after Princess Magic Touch.  I still have the ones I had as a child.  The dolls:  Princess Magic Touch, Fancy Magic Touch, and Twirl Magic Touch.  The playsets:  Flower Fountain, Garden Swing, Tea Table, and Wishing Well.

Out of all the toys that used magnets in the 80s, that Tea Table had to be the best working magnet toy I've ever seen.  I loved taking the wand and smacking the flower on the table edge over and over again.

I would also be tempted to go after Lady Lovelylocks dolls.   I loved those two.  But I loved almost all of the 80s toys.

Offline Rachel-Eyes

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Re: Toys are awesome. What does everyone out there collect?
« Reply #36 on: Tuesday 10 January 2012, 06:48 am »
so what kind of mlp fakes to you collect ?? there are a lot of them !

I don't really have a fakie focus. I mostly just collect the ones that I think are pretty, or unique. My favorites though would have to be Boley, Hasbro molds, Taras, Bratz Ponyz, and Remcoes- though I only have fakies of Remco fakies and not anything actually by Remco.

Most of the time, when I meet new people and they ask about my hobbies, I just mention that I collect "toy horses" because my collecting branches a little further than just MLP. I don't collect realistic horses though- they have to be cartoony!

What about you?

Calling all teddy experts! Please help me find my Cuddle Bear!

Offline Crystal_Sushi

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Re: Toys are awesome. What does everyone out there collect?
« Reply #37 on: Saturday 21 January 2012, 07:26 am »
I collect:

- My Little Pony, all generations and fakies
- Monster High Dolls
- Jem (Only one at the moment)
- Aurora
- Spectra
- Misc. dolls that I've taken a liking to

And pretty much anything that glows in the dark :3

Offline jazzmatazz

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Re: Toys are awesome. What does everyone out there collect?
« Reply #38 on: Monday 23 January 2012, 12:32 pm »
I collect:
My Little Pony
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
Disney Movies
Disney Oliver & Company.. everything
Children's Literature
And of course... Video Games

I've limited myself.. no more collections these take up enough space on their own

Offline zombiebunny

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Re: Toys are awesome. What does everyone out there collect?
« Reply #39 on: Tuesday 13 March 2012, 04:25 pm »
I can't say I collect anything actively atm...but after finding this and other toy sites I see so many things I want. My biggest problem is space though....so while I'm browing ebay for hours I still haven't given in...yet ^^;

The only stuff I always kind of collected were videogames!  I mean there were always new systems and games and I never sold off anything. Sometimes when I saw good deals at flea markets or online I bought retro games...but compared to "real" collectors my collection is very, very small.

Then I have the toys from my childhood. Many of them we sold, but some I couldn't part with or are left overs from flea market sales. My most loved toys are my MLP! I still have all of them and lots of playsets  ;D I'd really love to get into collecting Ponies.
I was also surprised to find out that I still had my Keypers and two of my cupcakes.

I also recently found pretty much Polly Pocket stuff for cheap at a flea market. I didn't intend to collect Polly Pocket but now I have a small collection.

I also used to be a bit of a Manga fan...so I still got some neat stuff from when I was younger and also from trips to Japan (now I wish I simply raided all the toy stores :p )

Recently I'm totally in Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and bought comics and DVDs... I would really love to have some figures now :)

(Sorry, this post is all over the place ^^; English is not my native language)

Offline apanda0622

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Re: Toys are awesome. What does everyone out there collect?
« Reply #40 on: Tuesday 13 March 2012, 05:54 pm »
(LOL - I keep editing this post thinking of more!)

My Little Pony
Care Bears
Strawberry Shortcake
Rainbow Brite
Cherry Merry Muffin
Baby Face Dolls
Hello Kitty
Winnie the Pooh
Cabbage Patch Kids
Ice Tickle Bears
Sylvanian Family
« Last Edit: Tuesday 13 March 2012, 05:57 pm by apanda0622 »

Offline cbfwishbear

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Re: Toys are awesome. What does everyone out there collect?
« Reply #41 on: Friday 16 March 2012, 08:08 pm »
I collect ANYTHING Care Bear.  I also pick up Koalas anytime I see them.  Love them!

I don't actively collect Strawberry Shortcake or My Little Pony but I have all of them from when I was a kid.

Offline TheMinorityof1990

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Re: Toys are awesome. What does everyone out there collect?
« Reply #42 on: Saturday 28 April 2012, 07:56 pm »
Cute teddy bears - as of today.
Any plushies that I see and like.
Little plastic frogs in any colour that are on all fours.

Also, anything I see and remember from my childhood and that I loved.
« Last Edit: Saturday 28 April 2012, 08:05 pm by TheMinorityof1990 »

Offline sarafina

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Re: Toys are awesome. What does everyone out there collect?
« Reply #43 on: Monday 30 April 2012, 07:05 pm »
I actively collect G1 Littlest Pet Shop.  I also semi-actively collect MLP (G1s and select G3s), TLK merchandise, and Beatles-related items. 

When I was a kid, I had all sorts of collections, some of which I still have and intend to keep, and others that have either been lost or I'm intending to sell at some point.  I *loved* American Girls dolls (the historical ones) and collected Samantha's accessories & furniture - I could never part with them, but the items are too big to have out on display at this point.  I also used to collect Grand Champions, Puppy (etc.) Surprise, Lady Lovely Locks, Strawberry Shortcake, Enchanted Kingdom, & Fairy Tails. 

Offline TheMinorityof1990

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Re: Toys are awesome. What does everyone out there collect?
« Reply #44 on: Monday 30 April 2012, 07:42 pm »