12 is definitely not a Lady LovelyLocks comb (I've had a few of the Enchanted Island combs and they're shaped a bit differently), but 37 and 38 are - specifically they came with Sweetcurl (dragon).
Here's what everybody has identified so far:
8. Barbie or Spectra?
9. Barbie or Spectra?
10. Barbie or Spectra?
11. Cabbage patch?
13. possibly Barbie
14. Bitsy Bears
15. looks Barbie sized
16. Bubblins?
17. Cupcakes
18. possibly Barbie (looks like a Creata Little Sister Flower Princess brush)
19. possibly Barbie
20. possibly Barbie (looks like a Creata Little Sister Flower Princess brush)
21. possibly Barbie
22. Snugglebumms
23. I am almost positive this is a little beauty comb. I had these horse toys and they either came with a comb similar to number 23 or a tiny brush with a slot on the back that you could put in there hair .
24. possibly She-Ra
25. Hollywoods or Star Fairies
26. Hollywoods or Star Fairies?
28. Barbie Beauty Basics
http://www.1000barbies.com/049/SUC51474.JPG29. Littlest Pet Shop (Zoo Baby Zebra)
33. this is a Playskool Sweetie Pops brush the one in the photo on the id help is the same shape but purple in color.
34. Fisher Price Princess or Pony Brush (I have this one, so I know it's not Krystal princess)
35. sweetie pups
36. Barbie
37. Lady LovelyLocks - Sweetcurl dragon
38. Lady LovelyLocks - Sweetcurl dragon
39. Barbie