Mostly books found over the last couple of weeks, with a smattering of soft toys and little figures. I found Gonga, Mickey Mouse, Zomlings, Crazy Bones, Beanie Babies, Furby, Ladybird Books and various fairy tail books.
I was surprised to find Gonga in amongst the plush toys as he’s in a dirty, sorry state! I’m going to try cleaning his fur and stitching up the open seams, hopefully bring him back to life! The angel Beanie Bear is “Herald” from 2002, to add to a sale bundle with other Beanie Bears, and I also found another two Beanie Babies to go with the bundle I bought a couple of weeks back. “Home Run” Mickey Mouse looks like he’s had a late night, with those yellow eyes! A rummage through the bottom of the toys box later, and I found four Puppy In My Pocket, some Zomlings and Go Go Crazy Bones. I also found a little plastic bunny, and sat in between Herald’s legs is a brass goblin. Oh yes, and two more McDonald’s Furbies! I’ve given up trying not to buy them…
These three hardback books smell rather musty. However, they have some lovely illustrations inside.
- Enid Blyton’s Twilight Tales
- My Giant Book of Bedtime Stories
- New Gift Book of Nursery Rhymes
Another musty old find!
- I Can Read A Story: Kittens
I love a pop-up book. This one ends on rather an odd scene, with Snow White lying apparently dead in her coffin.
- Snow White Pop-Up Book
I also found a couple of Ladybird books. The Well-Loved Tales has certainly been well loved!
- “All in a Day” & “The Enormous Turnip”
And lastly, these “Couples” 1980’s teen romance novels and “Going Out” by Jan Needle were amongst a pile of donations I was sorting through for the charity shop but far too worn to go out. But I couldn’t bear to throw them out, so brought them home as rescued toilet reading!