Monster High, Monster Find!

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Way back last year, well only October actually, I came across a large selection of Monster High dolls in my local charity shop. They had just been put out for display for Halloween and had also been reduced. Not a doll I had come across before, I was intrigued and started to take a look at them. Instantly spotted by the sales assistant, she said jokingly “how would you like the lot, we can make you an deal?”. Never one to pass up a deal on a job lot of toys (or music), she whipped out a calculator, made her offer and I snapped them up. I then toddled off home to take a good look at what I had just purchased.

Most of the dolls were incorrectly dressed (wish I’d taken a photo of how they arrived). Some of the missing items were to be found in the little bags of bits whilst others were not. After some lengthy (but fun) research, I worked out there were four almost complete outfits but no dolls for them, nine dolls with shoes, skirts or tops missing, and eight dolls just about complete (plus a few odds and sods with n place to go from the little bags).

I didn’t take me long to decide that I wanted to find the missing clothing and dolls for the items I had just purchased, so over November and December I found all the bits that I wanted to get via eBay and here is the whole lot as they are now!


These are the six dolls I didn’t buy any extra items for as they were fully dressed (if not entirely complete). From left to right:

  • Creepateria – Cleo De Nile
  • Frights, Camera, Action! Hauntlywood – Viperine Gorgon
  • Music Festival – Draculaura
  • Scaremester – Catrine DeMew
  • Frights, Camera, Action! Hauntlywood – Honey Swamp
  • Music Festival – Venus Mcflytrap

These six dolls needed a few items of clothing. From left to right (with the items I bought extra):

  • Picture Day – Operetta (bag and dress)
  • Dot Dead Gorgeous – Spectra Vonderguist (shoes, although not the correct ones for this set)
  • Monster Exchange – Lorna McNessie (tail + shoes)
  • 13 Wishes – Clawdeen Wolf (over skirt)
  • Single Doll – Jane Boolittle (shoes)
  • Playset Doll – Create a Monster: Color-Me-Creepy Design Chamber (wig, arm and leg accessories)

Two of these dolls were complete and two were not. From left to right (with the items I bought extra):

  • Zombie Shake – Meowlody & Purrsephone
  • Campus Stroll – Purrsephone & Meowlody (both skits and one jacket)

These were the four complete (or almost complete) outfits with no dolls. From left to right (with the items I bought extra):

  • Scaremester – Jinafire Long (doll + top)
  • Monster Exchange – Marisol Coxi (doll)
  • 13 Wishes – Twyla (doll + top)
  • 13 Wishes – Gigi Grant (doll + shoes)

The Headless Headmistress Bloodgood and Nightmare Horse set was missing the dolls trousers, shirt and jacket (she only had her boots).

The lot included several brushes and stands, as well as some items with no home. The plastic purple wig, two plastic tops and spare hand came with a job lot from eBay, and the light green shoes were from a charity shop. So really all I am left over with from the original lot are two pairs of boots, some flip-flops and two handbags.

Here are the dolls in more detail, plus three more I bought recently.