I bought myself some more original Care Bears a couple of weeks ago from eBay after buying six others in June. Arriving in the post were four poseable Care Bears, four miniatures Care Bears and one poseable Wuzzle. One each of the poseables and miniatures is a Care Bear Cousin.
I’d really like to have a complete set again, so checked out the single and group sales and came across this excellent lot for just under £30 (including postage). It works out at just over £3.00 per figure, which is great value when looking at single sales! This is what I did last time.
The sale included (left-right, top-bottom):
- Hoppopotamus (Wuzzles)
- Cheer Bear
- Braveheart Lion (Cousin)
- Friend Bear
- Funshine Bear – miniature
- Grams Bear – miniature
- Bedtime Bear – miniature
- Lotsa Heart Elephant (Cousin) – miniature
- Baby Tugs
I’m still looking for:
- Champ Bear
- Funshine Bear
- Good Luck Bear
- Share Bear
- Tenderheart Bear
Braveheart Lion is the first cousin I have re-bought, the same goes for Wuzzles (I used to own the whole lot at one time). Urge to collect growing…
Here they all are in more detail. Baby Tugs is in need of a bath!
- Cheer Bear, Baby Tugs & Friend Bear
- Brave Heart Lion & Hoppopotamus
- Four Care Bears Miniatures