I found a small selection of vintage figures at the end month, including Barbie‘s horse “Snowdance”, Powerpuff Girls, Sweet Secrets and a Wuzzles (keeping all but the horse).
Other finds include Angry Birds, Clangers, Doc McStuffins, Glimmies, Goldie & Bear, Lilo & Stitch, Littlest Pet Shop, LOL Surprise, MLP G4, Monster High, Monsters Inc, Moshi Monsters, My Little Pony, Nom Noms, Octonauts, Puppy In My Pocket, Partypop Teenies, Shopkins, Snow White, Spongebob Square Pants and Sylvanian Families.
Barbie “Snowdance” (aka “Blizard”) 1991
She has a bell inside her body which jingles as she is moved. She also still had two of her original hair clips!
- Barbie Horse
My Little Pony
All G4 ponies, of various sizes and types!
- My Little Pony
LOL Surprise
The “Under Wraps: Eye Spy” canister with bottle, “Bling Face” doll and Trading Cards were bought separately, but I shall probably sell them all together as is.
- LOL Surprise
This lot came together in the Shopkins rucksack (see top image). Most will be for resale, made into little groups along with the others I already have. I love the brushes!
- Shopkins
Littlest Pet Shop
More animals to resell!
- Littlest Pet Shop
Moshi Monsters
I think there are two or three in here I don’t have! The rest are for resale.
- Moshi Monsters
Sylvanian Families
I found two meerkats, and have a baby meerkat to add to the pair for resale. I also found a grey cat, which I will sell with a squirrel and pin badge. The Meerkats were released c2010 and are the father and son from the Spotter family. The cat was released c2003 and is the son from the Fisher family.
- Sylvanian Families
The Monsters University figures I will resell as is. The two Spongebob Square Pants figures will be added to a larger bundle with badge. Doc McStuffins will be sold with another little figure and badge. Octonauts will be added to a little bundle for resale. Snow White will be sold with a badge. Not sure on the last three yet (the hippo, wolf and alien)!
- Monsters University
- Spongebob Square Pants
- Doc McStuffins
- Octonauts
- Disney “Snow White”
- Disney
- Disney “Goldie & Bear”
- Unknown
- Nom Noms
- Puppy In My Pocket
- Various Bits & Bobs
- Barbie Unicorn Saddle
- Unknown
These are the items I’m keeping!
Sweet Secrets
I found the comb part to this sets last year, and just happened to some across an eBay seller just the handle/bed section last month.
It wasn’t until trying to fit the two pieces together as a bed that I realised first and second release moulds are slightly different, so won’t fit together. Why did they do that?!
- Power Puff Girls
- Wuzzles
- Glimmies
- Monster High
- Partypop and Unknown
- Angry Birds
- Clangers, Lilo and Stitch, Unknown