DC Comics

Brush My Diva Bubbles

Vintage toy finds from August include Action Man, Boglins, Brush-A-Loves, Clangers, Country Companions, DC Comics, Disney Princess, Diva Starz, Fisher Price, Frankenstein, Fred Basset, Ghostbusters, Gogo’s Crazy Bones, Holly Hobbie, Lapin And Me, Lone Ranger, Monster In My Pocket, Mr Men, My Little Pony, PET Aliens, PG Tips, Polly Pocket, Power Rangers, Quints Cousins, Roddy, Sooty, Subbuteo and Toy Story.

Windy Pooh Patrol

I found a nice selection of plush toys for resale (as well as a few for myself), including Bob The Builder, Charlie Bears, Crayola, Krypto The Superdog, Martinair Holland, Monsters Inc., Mr Men, Noddy, Paw Patrol, Star Wars, Toy Story, Teenie Beanies and Winnie The Pooh.

The Mighty Iron Pig

Figure finds from later December included Fingerlings, Go Go’s Crazy Bones, Hello Kitty, Joustra, Lalaloopsy, Marvel, DC Comics, Masked Rider, Mighty Max, Moshi Monsters, My Little Pony, Palace Pets, Peppa Pig, PJ Masks, Puppy In My Pocket, Smooshees, Trolls and Twosies.

Popple Turbo Funk

I found lots of super toys during August, some for me and lots for resale. So many in fact, that I couldn’t fit them all on the table to take a group shot! My favourite finds have to be the vintage plush Popples and Care Bears, and two Funko Pop: Fortnite figures.

Polly’s Mighty Palace Bugs

I found a large selection of figures, animals and other toys in January (many for resale). Vintage toys include Polly Pocket and Power Rangers. Movie and TV toys include Ben and Holly’s Little Kingdom, Bugs Life, DC Comics, Emoji, Marvel, Minions Postman Pat, Rusty Rivets and Toy Story. Other toys include Animal Jam, Baby Secrets, Disney, Furby, Genie Girls, Glimmies, Hatchimals, Hot Wheels, Lalaloopsy, Littlest Pet Shop, Melody Train, Minecraft, My Little Pony, Moshi Monsters, Palace Pets, Paw Patrol, Planet Protectors, Puppy In My Pocket, Puppy Palz, Ring Pop Puppies, Shopkins and Sylvanian Families. Phew!

Little Green Skyponies

All kinds of figures! I found a bundle of Zomlings with houses, several DC and Marvel action figures, Moshi Monsters, Skylanders, Monster High and loads of other things (101 Dalmatians, Cheeki Mees, Crazy Bones, Dizzy Dancers, Glimmies, Lion King, Little Green Men, Little People, Lock Stars, My Little Pony, Octonauts, Pocahontas, Pokemon, Rusty Rivets, Shimmer & Shine, Terraria and Waybuloo). I also found a few as yet to ID toys and a few loose odds and sods.

Power Knockers

I found a ton of little bits and pieces whilst searching some charity shops the other side of “the big town” (Southend!) at the beginning of the month. I had so many little items in one shop the shop lady literally shovelled them into a One Direction shopping bag off the counter (I didn’t notice it was a 1D bag until I got home)! My favourite finds were the Power Rangers figure, Furby and Lizzie Borden Head Knockers.