Including laxatives, pain killers, bandages and more!
“The champ of headache remedies.”These ads for Bromo-Seltzer antacid date from 1940, endorsed by various headache riddled celebrities of the time.
“Is your new hat more important than your laxative?”These ads for Feen-A-Mint laxatives date from 1961-62.
“Drink it… to your health!” These ads for Fleischmann’s Yeast date from 1939-40. It was advertised as a cure-all for just about everything!
“You’ll like yeast this new way!” These ads for Fleischmann’s Yeast date from 1941.
“I’m not a bad girl! You’re a bad mommy!” These adverts for Fletcher’s Castoria date from 1939-1941 and feature a lot of finger pointing, angry parents, threats of spanking, and constipated children.
“I’m a girl who can’t say no!”These ads for indigestion remedy Pepto-Bismol date from 1940-47.
“Girls. You look ugly when you cough.” These simple yet eye catching ads for Smith Bros Cough Drops date from 1938-42.
“Keep your mouth shut!” These ads for Smith Bros Cough Drops date from 1943-45.