“From now on – it’s Chelsea!”
These ads for Chelsea cigarettes date from 1945-46. They all included a text promotion for Guy Lombardo, a Canadian-American bandleader.
“Smoke this outstanding quality cigarette… Smoke it critically… Compare it with any other brand… See if you don’t agree that… from now on… it’s Chelsea!”
- 1945
- 1945
The models in these ads all wore hats by Sally Victor.
- 1945
- 1946
- 1946
“Delighted Chelsea smokers find no.20… the last cigarette in the pack… tastes just as rich, just as smooth, just as mild as the first Chelsea. Smoke this outstanding quality cigarette. Smoke it critically. Compare it with any brand. See if you don’t agree that from no.20, Chelsea tastes wonderful!”
- 1945
- 1945
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