Retro Musings includes magazine adverts and catalogue scans from 1930's to 1990's, plus anything else which takes my fancy (like LP covers and knitting patterns).
Go to Brands & Products to see a list of all the items I have added so far, or view by category or decade via the menus above and below.
“It doesn’t cling, doesn’t creep, doesn’t twist.” These four swinging sixties Non-Cling underwear ads by Sears are from 1968.
“Now… jersey you can wash and wear!”These women’s fashion ads for Acrilan fabric date from 1956.
“A luxury sweater of Acrilan.”These women’s fashion ads for Acrilan fabric date from 1955.
“Seat fabrics elegant enough to inspire a famous fashion designer.”This ad campaign by Fisher Body (an automobile manufacturer owned by General Motors) ran from 1962-68. Many ads feature glamorous models wearing haute couture.
“Makes time stand still.”These amazing space-age style ads for Fisher Body date from 1957-59 and are a collage of photography and illustration.
“Buy the paint that’s worth the work… the beauty lasts!”These super adverts for Du Pont paints date from 1958-59.
“She’ll wash clothes, run water, turn knobs! Busy, busy in her Frigidaire kitchen! It’s all pink… and just her size!”From mothers little helpers to mini gourmet chefs, here’s a collection of toy kitchen sets from 1962 to 1989.
Like any normal human being, I have a healthy hatred of clowns. One stood on my foot once, and then there was Poltergeist. That said, here is a collection of clowns from various catalogues dating from 1962 to 1989. My favourite clowns are the ones being punched by small boys.
The great look. The great leg.Between 1965-67, Hanes released a series of adverts with a distinctly urban feel to them, of which I’ve found four different styles.
“You can even bend over and still be a lady.” These four Burlington Cameo pantyhose adverts date between 1968-69.
“It’s a girls best friend!” These four ads for Eunece perfume by Fashion Fair are from 1986-87. These two chaps were fighting over the same lady for a long time!
“Frigidaire announces space age refrigeration!” These futuristic, sci-fi inspired Frigidaire ads are from 1966. They all feature sixties clad models wearing bubble space helmets (or possibly fish bowls).
Here’s some children’s nightwear from various 1980’s catalogues.
“And now! Fabulous “Foodarama” by Kelvinator!” These ads for Kelvinator’s “Foodarama” fridge/freezer are from 1955-59.
The Fine Art of Italian KnitsThese three ads for Michelangelo knitwear date from 1969 to 1970 and feature America Baseball player Walt Frazier.
Fresh On The SceneThese Salem cigarette adverts are from 1989-92. The chaps appear to be “getting fresh” with the ladies in these ads to mixed responses!
“You live better electrically.” These Gold Medallion Home ads are from 1965-67. Look how happy electricity makes them!
In 1985-86, a rather bizarre collection of celebrities put their names to Honda Scooters for both magazine and TV commercials.
“Makes you feel so fresh and feminine.” These five Yardley ads for are from 1956-57. The dolls in the images were designed by Madame Alexander, a company which has been making dolls since 1923.