“The amazing new radiant creme shampoo!”
These ads for Prell dandruff shampoo (owned by Proctor & Gamble) date from 1947-49.
Ads from 1947 had a pink background and a lustrous-haired loving couple dressed for a night out.
- 1947
“Removes dandruff in as little as three minutes!”
- 1947
- 1947
- 1947
- 1947
- 1947
The design changed in late 1947 into 1948, with less formally dressed couples.
- 1947
- 1948
- 1948
- 1948
“From Atlantic to Pacific folks are saying Prell’s terrific!”
- 1948
By 1949 the couples were dressed for an evening out again.
- 1949
- 1949
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