Bouncin' Babies
"The dolls that really move!"
Bouncin' Babies, Kids, Ponies, Princesses and Big Sisters were produced by Galoob in 1988-90. Each doll or pony could move in various ways, powered by a battery. Babies and Kids had plenty of playsets, accessories and outfits sold separately as well as the various items they came with. The ponies also had separate carriages but the line ran out of steam before the Princess or big Sister sub-lines took off any further.
They were mainly sold in US, but also in UK and parts of Europe. The French version, called Bebes Boom, was produced by Galoob/Pipo, the Italian version by Galoob/Gig, and the UK version by Rainbow Toys/Galoob. They were also sold in Germany. I've found very few packaging images of the non US version. Other than the language difference, the packaging designs were the same as the US versions.
Images on this
page thanks to Etsy AstridsPastTimes and aquarius247, and various eBay sellers, including snydobxjoh, Dennis Collectibles Dolls And Toys, gailschm1975, lseekins1966, rayangsteve, noid11, carterdunk13, spittle-bug, koolkollectionscom, poppatom, just-a-kid-again, trudybatzel, jim3342 and toffeestumble!
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Bouncin' Babies :: Dolls
There were seven different baby dolls, with three more added the following year. The dolls were produced in both black and white, but only the white versions were featured on the packaging.
The earlier packaging had a blue logo, which then changed to pink logo as the line expanded.
Original Dolls
"These adorable little babies need a mommy just like you to make them came to life!"
There were seven different dolls produced which measured between 6 and 7 inches high. Each doll came fully dresses and included a small playset.
The first dolls to be produced were:
- Crawlin' Baby
- Cuddly Baby
- Fussy Baby
- Walkin' Baby
Three more dolls were then added:
- Roll Over Baby
- Peek-A-Boo Baby
- Bouncin' Twins - Playful Baby (+ Cuddly Baby)
The last three dolls to be added are the hardest to find of the babies, one of which I have yet to find any details on:
- Drink 'n Wet Baby
- Drink 'n Cry Baby
- UNKNOWN Baby (on right)
Crawlin' Baby & Her Carry Basket
"Just tilt her head and she crawls along all by herself, just like a real baby! Crawling Baby loves to get into everything. As her mommy, you'll have to keep a close eye on her, or she's likely to get herself into mischief. And remember, Crawlin' Baby loves to lie in her Carry Basket, waving her arms and kicking her feet, especially when she knows you're around."
This doll took one AA battery and was activated by turning the head. It came with a plastic carry basket with removable fabric dust ruffle and pillow, a pacifier and blue with white outfit and bonnet.
Cuddly Baby & Her Rocking Horse
"Just pull the pacifier from her mouth and she moves her head all by herself, nuzzling and cuddling just like a real baby. Cuddly Baby in very affectionate. As her mommy, you'll want to give her lots of cuddles and hugs to keep her happy. And remember, Cuddly Baby loves to sit and rock in her Rocking Horse Chair, especially just before bedtime."
This doll took one AA battery and was activated by taking the pacifier out of its mouth. The set came with a rocking horse chair and pink outfit. Baby Cuddly was also sold as part of a deluxe set and Bouncin' Twins set (see lower down).
Fussy Baby & Her High Chair
"Just pull the pacifier from her mouth and she moves her arms and legs all by herself just like a real baby. Fussy Baby is sensitive and sweet. As her mommy, you'll have to take extra care to protect her and make her comfortable. And remember, Fussy Baby especially likes to sit near you in her High Chair at mealtimes."
This doll took one AA battery and was activated by taking the pacifier out of its mouth. The set came with a high chair and white with pink dress. Baby Fussy was also sold as part of a deluxe set (see lower down).
Peek-A-Boo Baby & Her Car Seat
"Just turn her on and she plays peek-a-boo with you. Put her arms at her sides and she'll reach up for you - all by herself, just like a real baby! Peek-A-Boo Baby is happy and playful. As her mommy, you'll enjoy playing her favourite games with her. And remember, Peek-A-Boo Baby loves when you hold her. She'll reach up for you as if to say, "Pick me up, mommy!""
This doll did not require a battery, rather there is a switch on her back which went up and down. When you pushed the switch down her little arms would go up and her hands covered her eyes. When you pulled her arms down they would go back up until the switch was flipped down again. The set came with a pink suit with white hat, a baby bottle, and car seat.
Roll Over Baby & Her Portable Chair
"She rolls over!"
This doll took one AA battery and could roll over sideways when her dummy was removed. The set came with a white sailor dress and sun hat, and a chair with four attachable side arms so it could be slotted onto the edge of a table (the top two are missing from the loose image below).

Walkin' Baby & Her Walker
"Just tilt her head, put her in her Walker, and she toddles along all by herself, just like a real baby. Walkin' Baby is bold and curious. As her mommy, you'll find she'll want to walk with you wherever you go. And remember, Walkin' Baby is still a little baby learning to walk in her Walker. You'll have to teach her patiently, by holding her up as she moves her legs to walk."
This doll took one AA battery, but looking at the undressed doll images I can't see where it would go. The set came with a pink and white striped suit with bonnet, and a walker. You put the doll in the walker and moved her head to the side to make her move.
Bouncin' Twins - Cuddly Baby and Playful Baby with a special Stroller for two!
"Just pull the pacifiers from their mouths - Cuddly Baby snuggles with your while Playful Baby wiggles and kick - both of them just like real babies! Give them their pacifiers again and the Bouncin' Babies are quiet - ready for a ride in their special stroller made for two."
Cuddly Baby was given a twin called Playful Baby and sold with a double stroller. The twins were dressed very similarly but not identically, and there were three variations on their outfits.
Other Dolls
I've found three other dolls, which were added in later on. These are much harder to come by, and the unknown doll I have never seen.
Drink 'n Cry Baby
"She drinks from her bottle and cries!"
Drink 'n Cry Baby came with a fillable bottle and would cry. She also came with a baby seat (pictured below with Cuddly Baby sitting in it).
Drink 'n Wet Baby
Drink 'n Wet Baby came with a fillable bottle and when sat down she would wet herself. She came with a potty to wee into.
Unknown Baby
This is a very small image, but shows a third unknown doll on the right. She looks like she might be sat with a puppy.

Deluxe Sets
There were two deluxe sets produced. Each set mostly included playset items from the babies above. The Travel Set was a later addition, which I have yet to find a packaging image of.
- Deluxe Baby Gift Set
- Deluxe Travel Set
Deluxe Baby Gift Set
"Here's a perfect gift for the first-time Bouncin' Babies mommy, or one who already has a growing family. There's a Cuddly baby doll who cuddles and snuggles all by herself, plus lots of special accessories and furniture to play with."
The Deluxe Baby Gift Set came with either Baby Cuddles or Baby Fussy wearing the same outfits as before. The sets also came with the rocking horse chair, high chair, walker and carry basket from above, and a quilted carry pouch.
Deluxe Travel Set
The Deluxe Travel Set came with two playsets from the later release dolls ( portable chair and car seat), plus a baby stroller (also sold seperatly), and the same quilted carry pouch the gift set came with. It didn't state to have come with a doll, but until I find a packaging image cannot confirm this.

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