Published in Issue 19 of Visionary Tongue, Autumn 2005.

Recently I’ve been sent a selection of titles from this publisher, on various and diverse new age and quasi-historical subjects such as Ley Lines, Runic Inscriptions and even more esoteric subjects such as Platonic and Archimedean Solids!

Wooden books produce beautiful examples of the book maker art – sadly it seems that quality production of books and book binding is a thing of the past, so it was a real delight to see that at least one company is taking its time with the finer points of a reader’s pleasure. The sheer quality of these handy sized volumes, which fit easily in your pocket for ease of travel, throws itself out at you from the first, and are a worthy addition to any book collection.

I strongly suggest that readers take a look at their website, or write to Wooden Books to see what titles they offer, because these little gems would make an ideal present for the more spiritually inclined on your Christmas list.

58pp £4.99

Review by Jamie Spracklen