Brush-a-Loves :: Kiss-a-Loves
"Beautiful Brush-a-Loves and Li'l Brush-a-Loves need the loving care of little girls to keep them stay their best. Little girls will love using the Brush-a-Loves special brush-in-tail to brush, comb and style each of these sweetly scented little cuties!"
Brush-a-Loves were produced by AmToy then Tyco in the US and Matchbox in UK/Euro from 1987-89. They were plush bears about 10 inches high with brushes on the ends of their tails, a mirror attached to their right paw and a scented powder puff on their left. Alongside them came Li'l Brush-a-Loves, scented dog-like creatures with a loop on their bellies so they could be worn like a bracelet, and a brush on the end of their tails. There were also Kiss-a-Loves, which were small flocked plastic versions of the Brush-a-Loves with a furry tail with a brush on the end.
Images on this
page thanks to Beckie, Knot
A Toy and various eBay sellers including ilmercatinovintagedimaghy and troedel_tobi (or mine)!
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"Give me a hug and I'll give you a scented kiss. Style my hair with the brush in my tail."
Kiss-a-Loves were flocked plastic figures about 6 inches high. They had brushable hair and long fur tails with a brush on the end. When their tummies were squeezed they blew a puff of perfumed air.
There were six in total, each a different colour, pose and scent. They were mainly sold in UK/Eurorpe by Matchbox where they didn't have individual names, but they were also produced by Tyco in 1989 and appear to have had names.
The Matchbox packaging was dated 1988, and presumably the Tyco 1989. Notice how similar the Tyco illustration looks to Bitsy Bears!
The UK packaging were boxed.
As was quite common, the back packaging image showed the toys in different colours and poses from how they were actually produced. The same image was used in the 1989 Tyco toy fair catalogue, which also featured some of the other Brush-A-Loves too.
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