Tiny Blessing
"Say hello to a little Tiny Blessing. Just the right size for loving and caressing. With hair so soft and eyes so bright and a cuddly little blanket for tucking in at night. There are Tiny Blessing girls and Tiny Blessing boys and they all love stories, lullabies and toys. So cuddle up close to your brand new friend 'cause Tiny Blessings want to share a love that never ends..."
Tiny Blessing were produced by Bandai in 1987. There were a small series of 3 inch poseable dolls with molded-on clothes and brushable hair. There was also one playset produced.
Images on this
page thanks to Delanea and eBay seller smokey114!
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There were seven, possibly eight Tiny Blessing dolls produced and were jointed at the arms, legs and head. They were each sold separately with in various ways: firstly with no accessories, then with a small fabric accessory (available in both blue or pink) then again with a larger plastic toy accessory each!
There was also a set of Tiny Blessing Friends, which was a set of four dolls, and Tiny Blessing Sisters (which were more than likely never released).
Tiny Kris | Tiny Michael | Tiny Sarah | Tiny Christopher | Tiny Lee Ann | Tiny Katherine |
Top - Tiny Michael, Middle - Tiny Sarah, Bottom - Tiny Lee Ann |
Top - Tiny Christopher, Tiny Sarah, Middle - Tiny Elizabeth, Tiny Katherine, Bottom - Tiny Philip, Tiny Kris |
There was one playset produced called the Playhouse, which with several small accessories and various pieces of furniture.
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