Frou Frou
"I fluff up, shake shake shake me!"
Frou Frou were produced by Dakin in 1982-86. They were a series of plush white creatures with colourful long fur hair, which when shaken would fluff up.
Images on this
page thanks to Beckie-Ann and various eBay sellers including The
Collectibles Connection, WeLUVthe80's, Gr8toys4sale, The
Bedbug Boutique and Store
Name 12345!
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Frou Frou
There were three different sizes produced in bright and pastel colours. They each held a small flower and some of the large ones had satin feet rather than fur. The Baby Frou Frou's measured 5-1/2 inches high, the small ones 3-3/4 inches and the larger ones 9-1/2 inches. They all had tails too!
Holiday Themed Frou Frou's
There were various holiday themed Frou Frou's produced holding items other than flowers.

Frou Frou Tu-Tu
There were three ballet Frou Frou Tu-Tu's. They were 10" tall and wore ballet dresses with slippers hanging by their ribbons from one arm.
Frou Frou Walkers
I have found two Frou Frou Walkers. I assume that when wound up they would totter along.
Frou Frou Dreamer Musical
There was one Dreamer Musical produced. It was 9-1/2 inches long, would play "Beautiful Dreamer" when wound up and it's head would waggle.
Frou Frou Clip-Ons
There were four Clip-Ons produced, measuring 3-1/2 inches high. They came in lavender, blue, pink and white wach holding a little flower.
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