Rub-A-Dub Doggie ~ Small
"Two in the tub is more fun than one!"
Rub-A-Dub Doggie was produced by Ideal from 1981, then Tyco from 1989 (after they acquired Ideal). They were a series of 10 inch dogs to be played with in the bath, an off-shoot of Rub-A-Dub Dolly. There were also smaller 4 inch dogs and a playset for them.
Images on
this page thanks to Flickr member Miss_Leonie, and eBay seller leslieb77!
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Small Dogs ~ Ideal
There were two different coloured small dogs produced by Ideal, which came with the Bathland playset. I don't know if they were also sold individually.
The small dogs had head-shaking motion by moving their collars.
Small Dogs ~ Tyco
Tyco produced seven small dogs (including the playset dog) from the same mould as Idea but in different colours. Each dog came with a playsets, small accessory and a blanket.
Left to right:
- Trixie
- Paddles
- Posie
- Mitsy
- Belle
- Playset Dog
- Breezie
I'm missing images of the hammock and scooter.
For Sale
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