Sweet Secrets :: Large Playsets
"An adorable transformable world!"
Sweet Secrets were produced by Galoob from 1985 into the mid 1990's. Later on, a few of Galoob's dolls and playsets were released Blue Box. They started off as a series of lockets which transformed into dolls and animals, and as they grew in popularity Sweet Secrets became more diverse, even expanded into playsets.
They were sold in the US, UK and other parts of Europe, and I currently know of one name variation:
- UK & US: Sweet Secret
- Italy: Dolci Segreti
Images on this
page thanks to Pablo, Laura, Ad
Collector, Miss_Leonie, kjy180305, kizmet120, jadedoz, Memory
Glands and eBay sellers lalamctexan, alexcat01's
Finds and Deals for you, soosiecat and Dennis Collectibles Dolls And Toys!
View all Sweet Secrets on eBay.com or eBay.co.uk!
Large Playsets
There were three larger sized playsets produced, but only the Jewellery Box-Doll House was released again in the white packaging and also by Blue Box. Each one came with a non specific doll charm, and only the second release house came with its own new charm.
- Beauty Tunes
- Workout Time
- Jewellery Box Doll House
Beauty Tunes
"Radio really works!"
Workout Time
"Clock really works!"
Jewellery Box Doll House
I've found four slightly different doll houses in publicity images (mainly the internal illustrations), but have only ever come across "version 1" in loose form. When closed, a doll in jewel form could be placed in the centre of the roof.
- Version 1 and 2 came with one of the three original release charm dolls when issued by Galoob.
- I have yet to find out about the version 3 doll.
- Version 4 came with a new doll charm called "Pixie Bright".
- The Blue Box version came with three dolls.
Version 1
Came with one of the three original release charm dolls when issued by Galoob.
Version 2
Came with one of the three original release charm dolls when issued by Galoob. This is the same version as released by Blue Box, which came with three dolls (see lower).
Version 3
I have yet to find out about the version 3 doll.
Verision 4
Came with "Pixie Bright" charm.
Blue Box
The Blue Box version was the same as Galoob's version 2. The BB version came with three dolls.
For Sale
View all Sweet Secrets on eBay.com or eBay.co.uk!