Li'l Miss :: Wee Dolls
"My makeup appears like magic!"
Li'l Miss were produced by Mattel in 1989-1993. They were a series of large 13" dolls with colour-change features, activated using cold water. There was also a set of smaller 7" Wee Li'l Miss dolls with similar features, fashion outfits and a few playsets for both size dolls. There were lots of other dolls produced around this time which bore a striking resemblance to one another, and are easy to misidentify at first glance.
Images on this page thanks to nhtpirate and eBay sellers KIDDLELAND, aunt_ellies_gems, Dennis
Collectibles Dolls And Toys and, Polly's
Dolls and Collectibles!
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Wee Li'l Miss Dolls
"Now the enormously popular Li'l Miss line of dolls has gone from tall to small! Girls love doll play that lets them fantasize changing from who they are into the glamorous person they want to be! And these 7" dolls capture all the magic of Li'l Miss transformation in 3 realistic-to-fantasy themes: Bedtime glamour to daytime trendy; roller-skater to rock 'n roller; and practice dancer to prima ballerina! Each doll has a colour-change heart beauty mark and comes with her own themed fashion and play pieces."
There were four 7" dolls produced in all and at least two of them were produced as both black and white versions. They were all made using the same head and body mould, with differing themes.
- Wee Li'l Miss Ballerina
- Wee Li'l Miss Bedtime
- Wee Li'l Miss Makeup
- Wee Li'l Miss Roller-Skater
Wee Li'l Miss Bedtime
"Bedtime glamour becomes daytime trendy. Closed eyes magically "open" with icy cold water. Warm water "closes" them again. Doll includes 2 outfits and 10 play accessories."

Wee Li'l Miss Ballerina
"Transforms from practice dancer to dazzling ballerina! Makeup and ballerina laces appear like magic. All it takes is icy cold water. Warm water makes them disappear. Doll includes transforming outfit and 7 play accessories."
Wee Li'l Miss Makeup
Wee Li'l Miss Roller-Skater
"Changes from roller-skater to rock 'n roll star! Rainbow dress magically changes colour with icy cold water. Warm water changes colour back. Doll comes with 9 play accessories."
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