Baby Beans :: Bare Bottom
"Soft as a baby's bottom!"
Baby Beans were produced by Mattel from 1970-1984. They were soft bodied baby dolls stuffed with polystyrene bean bag balls, and plastic heads. Meritus took over production from 1991-98 with their own line, and Estrela had their own concurrent line to Mattel in Brazil during the 1970-80's and again in 2011-12. They were very popular, hence the sheer amount of them all over the world! Meritus took over production from 1991-98 with their own line, and Estrela had their own concurrent line to Mattel in Brazil during the 1970-80's and again in 2011-12. They were very popular, hence the sheer amount of them all over the world!
Images on this
page thanks to eBay sellers aurora20-1, puzzleman2013, theragmuseum1, mollyphillip and npmc2010!
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Bare Bottom Beans
"Bright-eyed and bare bottomed! These adorable little cuties are so cuddly, babies will love to snuggle up with them. Their pretty little sleepers have a flap that opens to show a soft little bottom. Bare Bottom Beans dolls, with their happy faces, can be a little girl's best friends."
There were three Bare Bottom Beans produced from 1974, made using the same names and heads as the two most popular original dolls, but with fabric hands instead. They measured about 12 inches high.
These dolls were also produced in Brazil by Estrela, called "Bebe Bum-Bum" and varied from the US version.

Bippy Beans

Bippy Beans - Bottom!

Bitty Beans

Booful Beans
The US packaging had a window at the back with their bottoms sticking out!
Brazilian Variations
The Brazilian "Bebe Bum-Bum" dolls had plastic hands, no pompoms and lace on their ankles. They each came wearing a necklace with "Estrela" on. There were three dolls produced, which all used Bitty Beans face.


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