Baby Beans :: Talking
"Soft as a baby's bottom!"
Baby Beans were produced by Mattel from 1970-1984. They were soft bodied baby dolls stuffed with polystyrene bean bag balls, and plastic heads. Meritus took over production from 1991-98 with their own line, and Estrela had their own concurrent line to Mattel in Brazil during the 1970-80's and again in 2011-12. They were very popular, hence the sheer amount of them all over the world! Meritus took over production from 1991-98 with their own line, and Estrela had their own concurrent line to Mattel in Brazil during the 1970-80's and again in 2011-12. They were very popular, hence the sheer amount of them all over the world!
Images on this
page thanks to eBay sellers downsizingdivaarizona, puzzleman2013 and skanterman!
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Talking Baby Bean
"I'm so playful and funny! Pose so many baby-like ways...I sit, stand, lie down, cross my legs, even stand on my head! I'm soft foam stuffed, extra floppy, super-cuddly with hair on my plastic head."
Talking Baby Beans was produced from 1972 for over 10 years. She had a pull-cord on the back of her neck to activate a small record, which said one of eight phrases each time.
- Baby hungry
- Go bye-bye?
- I love you
- I'm sleepy
- Kiss baby
- Night-night
- Peek-a-boo! Hee hee hee hee!
- Play patty-cake?

Some had plastic hands and some had fabric hands. The dolls with plastic hands also had button down the front, whereas the fabric hand version did not.
- Talking Baby Beans - Fabric Hands
- Talking Baby Beans - Plastic Hands
Talking Baby Beans was also sold with a "Beddy Bye Case".


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