Baby Beans :: Original
"Soft as a baby's bottom!"
Baby Beans were produced by Mattel from 1970-1984. They were soft bodied baby dolls stuffed with polystyrene bean bag balls, and plastic heads. Meritus took over production from 1991-98 with their own line, and Estrela had their own concurrent line to Mattel in Brazil during the 1970-80's and again in 2011-12. They were very popular, hence the sheer amount of them all over the world! Meritus took over production from 1991-98 with their own line, and Estrela had their own concurrent line to Mattel in Brazil during the 1970-80's and again in 2011-12. They were very popular, hence the sheer amount of them all over the world!
Images on this
page thanks to Ana Caldatto, Kelly, Etsy seller UncleJohnsBand, Flickr members Gisele Teresinha and Lina Santos de Luca, various Mercadolivre and eBay sellers BonniesVintageAttic, marxbouy, skgrassman, tampabaytoysandcollectibles, missikay68, cljbanker1, jillieanne, kadiddle3, toy-addict, NostalgiaMama, wallyodd and bahapinar!
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Original Baby Beans
There were three original Baby Beans produced from 1970 onwards. They measured about 12 inches tall and had plastic heads and hands. Of these three dolls, the yawning Besdie seems to have been the least desired as she didn't feature in any publicity images.
These dolls were also produced in Brazil by Estrela, and looked slighty different (see lower down).

There are several variations of the two most popular dolls (Bitty and Booful). The main variations were the black version of Bitty and the blue bodied version of Booful. The smaller variations are most likely due to manufacturing year, and include:
- Pompoms - two, four or five
- Soles - white or same colour as body
- Hands - plastic or fabric (later dolls had fabric hands)
Bitty Beans
- Four Pompoms & Pink Soles
- Five Pompoms & White Soles
- Five Pompoms & Pink Soles
The left Bitty Beans looks just like her Bare Bottom version (fabric hands and two pompoms), but without the bare bum! The right one also has two pompom but with plastic hands.
- Two Pompoms, Pink Soles & Fabric Hands
- Two Pompoms, Pink Soles & Plastic Hands
- Black Bitty Beans - Plastic Hands
- Black Bitty Beans - Fabric Hands
Booful Beans
- Four Pompoms & Yellow Soles
- Four Pompoms & White Soles
- Five Pompoms & Yellow Soles
- Five Pompoms & White Soles
I've found two fabric variations of the blue doll, one had fluffy sheep on, and the other one was made using the talking doll's floral fabric. Both are quite rare.
- Booful Beans - Blue Sheep
- Booful Beans - Blue Flowers
Bedsie Beans
I've found five versions of Bedsie Beans, who is harder to find than Bitty and Booful.
- Bedsie Beans - Blue
- Bedsie Beans - Orange
- Bedsie Beans - Pink
- Bedsie Beans - Red
- Bedsie Beans - Yellow
This packaging is copyright dated 1970. It uses a different logo, only seen used on one other doll so far (Cuddly Beans).
- Bedsie Beans
- Bitty Beans
- Booful Beans
This packaging is copyright dated 1972/73. I've not found Bedsie in this packaging, so perhaps she wasn't produced after this time.
- Bitty Beans
- Black Bitty Beans
- Booful Beans [no image]
- Booful
Beans - Blue Sheep
Brazilian Variations ~ "Feijãozinho"
"I am soft, squishy and cuddly."
In Brazil, Estrela produced a large line of different dolls using the original doll heads. They also produced a version of the original dolls called "Feijãozinho" in pink, blue and yellow, all with Booful Bean's face. They were produced from 1974 and into the 80's, and the 80's versions each came wearing a necklace with "Estrela" on. I don't know what their names were (if they had any).
- Brazilian - Blue - 4 Pompoms
- Brazilian - Pink - 3 Pompoms
- Brazilian - Yellow - 4 Pompoms
I've also found these two, which were described as newley produced (c.2012) but I can find no information on them.
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