[4GGP] Luddington, Lydia

Lydia Luddington
b: 1798
d: JUL 1891
William Luddington
1732 - AFT 1770
George Luddington
1770 - BET 1851 AND 1861
Lydia Atkins
ABT 1732 - AFT 1770
Lydia Luddington
1798 - JUL 1891
William Luck
1736 - AFT 1790
Mary Luck
1768 - BET 1805 AND 1820
Jane [Unknown]
ABT 1736 - AFT 1790
Family Group Sheet - Spouse
PARENT (M) Henry Hook
Birth1795Great Paxton, Huntingdonshire, England
DeathFEB 1873 Great Paxton, Huntingdonshire, England
Marriage15 NOV 1820to Lydia Luddington at Great Paxton, Huntingdonshire, England
FatherJohn Hook
MotherMary Layton
PARENT (F) Lydia Luddington
Birth1798Lavendon, Buckinghamshire, England
DeathJUL 1891 Great Paxton, Huntingdonshire, England
Marriage15 NOV 1820to Henry Hook at Great Paxton, Huntingdonshire, England
FatherGeorge Luddington
MotherMary Luck
MJonathan Hook
Birth1824Great Paxton, Huntingdonshire, England
DeathJUN 1910St. Neots, Huntingdonshire, England
MarriageSEP 1847to Sarah Haynes at St. Neots, Huntingdonshire, England
FSarah Mary Hook
Birth1821Great Paxton, Huntingdonshire, England
Death27 JAN 1919Huntingdonshire, England
Marriage23 OCT 1840to James Andrew at Great Paxton, Huntingdonshire, England
FMary Hook
Birth1828Great Paxton, Huntingdonshire, England
Marriage13 NOV 1848to William Lee at Great Paxton, Huntingdonshire, England
FElizabeth Hook
Birth1832Great Paxton, Huntingdonshire, England
Marriage6 DEC 1861to William King at Great Paxton, Huntingdonshire, England
FAnn Hook
Birth1835Great Paxton, Huntingdonshire, England
FEmma Hook
Birth1837Great Paxton, Huntingdonshire, England
FEliza Hook
Birth1839Great Paxton, Huntingdonshire, England
MHenry Hook
Birth1844Great Paxton, Huntingdonshire, England
MarriageMAR 1867to Emma Eleanor Leif at St Pancras, Middlesex, England
MWilliam Hook
Birth1830Great Paxton, Huntingdonshire, England
Death11 JUL 1898Great Paxton, Huntingdonshire, England
Marriage25 DEC 1853to Sarah Wayman at Great Paxton, Huntingdonshire, England
MJohn Jonathan Hook
Birth1823Great Paxton, Huntingdonshire, England
MJohn Hook
Birth1841Great Paxton, Huntingdonshire, England
DeathDEC 1925Great Paxton, Huntingdonshire, England
Descendancy Chart
Lydia Luddington b: 1798 d: JUL 1891
Henry Hook b: 1795 d: FEB 1873
Jonathan Hook b: 1824 d: JUN 1910
Sarah Haynes b: 1826 d: SEP 1893
Sarah Mary Hook b: 1821 d: 27 JAN 1919
James Andrew b: 1818 d: JUN 1891
John Andrew b: 1843
Eli Andrew b: MAR 1847
Jane Smith b: 1849
William Andrew b: 1856 d: OCT 1880
Henry Andrew b: 28 OCT 1848
Martha Andrew b: 1851 d: JAN 1939
Caroline Andrew b: 1841 d: 1929
William Gaunt b: JUN 1843 d: 3 MAY 1933
Private George Gaunt b: 1882 d: 23 OCT 1917
Lucy Wood b: 1887 d: SEP 1942
Louisa Gaunt b: 1876 d: 1904
William Gaunt b: 1872
Sarah Weston b: 1871
Charles Gaunt b: 1874 d: JUN 1904
Alice Gaunt b: JUN 1873 d: 23 JUL 1961
John Charles Stephen Elkins b: 1877 d: 12 MAY 1948
John William Elkins b: BET APR AND JUN 1904 d: SEP 1904
John William Elkins b: 19 NOV 1907 d: MAR 1976
Elsie Rose Sloan b: 28 SEP 1899 d: MAR 1978
Louise Elkins b: 14 MAR 1905 d: 28 OCT 1986
Reginald Burley b: JUN 1906 d: 30 MAR 1966
Helen Lucy Elkins b: 16 OCT 1909 d: DEC 1971
Stanley Laughton b: 6 SEP 1906 d: SEP 1984
Kathleen Elkins b: SEP 1912 d: JUN 1943
Frank William Dowdeswell b: 21 FEB 1914 d: OCT 2003
Daisy Elkins b: 15 OCT 1906 d: 22 NOV 1972
Joseph Benjamin Cecil Mayhew b: 1 FEB 1908 d: 19 MAY 1991
Esther Andrew b: 1853
James G Evans b: 1853
James Andrew b: 1845
Elizabeth Smith b: 1849
Eliza Ann Andrew b: 31 AUG 1863 d: 17 JAN 1950
Thomas Batchelor b: 22 JAN 1842 d: 5 AUG 1906
Thomas Batchelor b: 22 JAN 1842 d: 5 AUG 1906
Mary Hook b: 1828
William Lee b: 1826 d: 1891
Elizabeth Hook b: 1832
William King b: 1836
Ann Hook b: 1835
Emma Hook b: 1837
Eliza Hook b: 1839
Henry Hook b: 1844
William Hook b: 1830 d: 11 JUL 1898
Sarah Wayman b: 1832 d: 17 MAR 1897
John Hook b: 1841 d: DEC 1925
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